Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Carter Takes Back "Careless" Remark

Upon leaving a Cuthbert, Georgia Huddle House on Saturday, Fmr. President Jimmy Carter was quoted as saying, "I think as far as bad taste among types of drinks, this coffee was the worst in history."

The remark was largely overlooked, until word got back to the restaurant.

Huddle House owner Kathy Dawson was quick to lash out: "I think he is proving to be increasingly irrelevant with these kinds of comments."

Later, when asked about his criticisms, Carter said, "They were maybe careless or misinterpreted." He also admitted, "I was not comparing the coffee to every other coffee ever brewed. Also I was not talking personally about any restaurant owners."

Locals are confused with his apology for the remark, as they share his disdain for the current coffee. As it stands now, the restaurant goers will not seek change, and will thus wait until next year when a Korean will take over the Huddle House.


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